Monday, March 24, 2008

From Cheers to....... Tears

Last year 2007 national budget had been kind to beer gushers. When the Finance minister announced that there will be no increased in duties,the beer nation populous celebrates.

But alas, this temporary euphoria have come to an end. This time the bad news is not from the government. I have just received news from my supplier that the prices of keg beer will be increased by the beer manufacturers. No information yet on how much is the intended increase.

All kind of excuses will be given, increased in world market price of hops, cost of transportation, company marketing,etc.... What the heck ,you think I care about your problems! What about me? Increased in rental, electricity, water,food cost and especially staff salaries.

I either pass the increased in cost to my regulars or I absorb it. I might try 50-50. One fact remain, managing a pub is a sunset industry. The publicans are finding hard to keep heads above water and the beer drinkers are finding it harder to drown their sorrows.

Waiting to see the reaction of my regulars when I tell them the bad news. If they gather to form a lynching mob, please spare me lah. I also cari makan leh.

cheers cobber


Anonymous said...

ok its time to bring in the Petronas Money so that they can bring down the price of Beer. : )

Beer Lover.

muststopthis said...

bro...aiyo! Ah mah!
everything up! bEER PRICES ALSO GOING UP?
......time to look for the other brand lah....