Saturday, March 22, 2008

Introduction : Hello, I am Augustine Gan

There is this neighbourly watering hole that i am managing for the last 15 years. During all these years,I have seen and know many kinds of people with diverse characters and personalities coming and going.Some became your good friends,some are your steady drinking buddies,unfortunately some individual can be a pain in the ass.

Most of the customers are regulars,4-5 times a week, There are also members who almost never failed to show up every night. My name is Augustine Gan and I am the publican. Let me introduced two regulars who keep me company almost every night.A retired gentlemen Dr.Seng,who will make his appearance at 7.30pm,always take the 3rd seat at the bar,have his drinks and called the night by 10.00pm.Occasionally when in the mood, he stayed longer.Then we have trustingly old Ben, a straight forward guy who always speak from his heart,moderate sense of humour,use the 4 letter word freely as adjective,noun,preposition,in all his sentences.
Dr.Seng and Ben are my cobber.

Sometimes we liked to compare our pub with the US sitcom show CHEERS,a place where everybody knows your name.This is the place we have regarded as home away from home. A place that hold many fond and also sad memories.The younger generation including our children often refer this oasis as old folk home.

Every night there are so much sharing and conversation topics ranging from anything under the Malaysian skies.There are loud talk to stamp authority, strong characters shoving their views down unwilling throats, mindless arguments, aimless dispute, temper flaring out of control ,name calling to mask manhood, profanity that make toes nails curled, making alliance to strengthen ones opinions, saying sorry after a battle, making up to fight another day, losing a friendship forever, never seeing that unforgiving individual again

Ok,ok,I exaggerated,one thing for sure, after all these years we knew each other weaknesses and strength, know when to pull legs and when to stop. I acknowledged in life we never stop learning even when we are old, therefore always take everything with a pinch of salt.Shared all you want but always be prepared to listen, give everyone a chance to speak his mind,concurred or argued the points objectively.

The people that I distant myself are person who engaged a conversation,monopolized on the subject,cut you off in mid air when opinions differ, rudely walking away when you are talking.I believed they are sadist that get cheap gratification from their wayward actions.

In my next posting, I will tell why I started this blog and explain how bloggers influenced and changed my life.

cheers cobber


HARD-T (Ori) said...

Waiting for your first breaking...

Anonymous said...

We have a virgin!

Welcome to blogsphere, Augustine. Waiting for your first real crack.

All the best.

muststopthis said...

eh...I must be the last guy to know that you started your blog.....

err......GE already over, beer prices already gone up...
what r u waiting for? three post only meh?

Anonymous said...

Just come fishing with us at the kelong!